Paw prints of past times and present memory makers:

Our first German Shepherd- "Laddie"

Our little boy and his big dog

My first show girl "Kelly"

I'm Moustache, I am too a German Shepherd Dog
and I'm the boss around here

Amber of Desert Rose
Kelly Daughter

Groheim's Bold Impression- "Zepplin"

In loving memory of my "sister" friend
Judy Deane

Judeen's Kai of Desert Rose CD, TC
Bred by Judy Deane

Judeen's Phoenix of Desert Rose- "Buddy"

Desert Rose' Molly Brown
Buddy daughter

Desert Rose' Blaque Magic- "Maggie"

Jul-Lea's Shinin on Desert Rose
"Primo" and Patricia

Nightwinds-Erem's Lucky Strike
"Striker" and Corinne

"First Date"
Blackjack and Maggie

Our excellent kennel help

Desert Rose Rico v Mari-Fiori- "Rico"

Desert Rose' Jasmine Kaye - "Jasmine"

Suzy & Rallyn's Jaego son

"Buddy" with friend Katie

The joys of our lives
Our grandkids and dog kids

Maggie daughter "Jasmine"
with mom
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